Prerequisite: Spiritual Formation and Renewal

The nature of the spiritual journey is a movement towards a deeper relationship with God whereby one gradually lives into the gifts of the Spirit as witnessed in Galatians 5:
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, goodness, and balance

To help foster this growth, the Charlotte Spirituality Center offers a six-month series to the public for spiritual formation with the hope of building community and enlivening spiritual renewal while deepening awareness of God’s action in one’s life and in the world.  It is a wonderful introduction to the Charlotte Spirituality Center and is also a prerequisite for individuals entering into the Spiritual Direction Certificate Program.

Monthly Topics include:

Understanding Spirituality
Incarnational Spirituality
Art and Spiritual Formation
Creating our Spiritual Autobiography
Embracing Your Inner Mystic
Exploring The Art of Spiritual Direction

This series is the same content as the standalone Spiritual Formation class for those not continuing into the Spiritual Direction Program.

Level One: Introduction to Spiritual Direction

This course offers an educational focus on an understanding of the art and practice of spiritual direction. Didactics on such topics as contemplative and centering prayer, holy listening,  journaling, stages of faith, grief and suffering, transformation of consciousness and guided imagery are provided. The students are given a binder inclusive of articles by current spiritual writers along with two texts pertinent to the subject. Students meet monthly to discuss and mutually explore the meanings and applications of these assigned readings. Book reports on the two texts are required. 

The Charlotte Spirituality Center does not discriminate against qualified applicants or students on the basis of their race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, sex, gender, gender identification, sexual preference, marital status, veteran status, or ability, and abides by the Non-Discrimination Policy set in place by law.